MATLAB: Issue with SEIR model for mathlab

covid-19githubhelpmathsiaMATLABseir model

I am quite new in mathlab and i am trying to test the SEIR model but i can not get it to run. I have problems when i try to run the code.
I am using this github repository to calculate it. and also this file from the fileexchange
I have tried to run the example 3 ( in the github ) with all the files but when I run it I get the output :
Error using SEIQRDP
Too many input arguments.
Error in example3 (line 38)
[S,E,I,Q,R,D,P] = SEIQRDP(alpha1,beta1,gamma1,delta1,Lambda1,Kappa1,Npop,E0,I0,Q0,R0,D0,t);
I put the example 3 file below,
maybe you can help me find the issue? It might be very simple…
The example 3 file.
clearvars;close all;clc;
indLocation = find(contains(tableRecovered.CountryRegion,'Italy')==1)
indLocation = indLocation(1)
Recovered = table2array(tableRecovered(indLocation,5:end));
Deaths = table2array(tableDeaths(indLocation,5:end));
Confirmed = table2array(tableConfirmed(indLocation,5:end));
% If the number of confirmed Confirmed cases is small, it is difficult to know whether
% the quarantine has been rigorously applied or not. In addition, this
% suggests that the number of infectious is much larger than the number of
% confirmed cases
minNum= 40;
time(Confirmed<=minNum)= [];
Npop= 120e6; % population
guess = [0.06,1.2,1/5,1/40,0.01,0.02,0.01,0.02]; % my guess for the fit
E0 = Confirmed(1); % Initial number of exposed cases (we do not know it, so it is set at zero)
I0 = Confirmed(1); % Initial number of infectious cases (we do not know it, so it is the number of quarantined)
Q0 = Confirmed(1);
R0 = Recovered(1);
D0 = Deaths(1);
[alpha1,beta1,gamma1,delta1,Lambda1,Kappa1] = ...
dt = 0.1; % time step
time1 = datetime(time(1)):dt:datetime(2020,3,25,0,0,0);
N = numel(time1);
t = [0:N-1].*dt;
[S,E,I,Q,R,D,P] = SEIQRDP(alpha1,beta1,gamma1,delta1,Lambda1,Kappa1,Npop,E0,I0,Q0,R0,D0,t);
hold on
% ylim([0,1.1*Npop])
ylabel('Number of cases')
xlabel('time (days)')
% leg = {'susceptible','exposed','infectious','quarantined','recovered','Dead','insusceptible'};
leg = {'Quarantined (confirmed infectious)','recovered','Dead'};
grid on
axis tight
% ylim([1,8e4])

Best Answer

I am not able to reproduce your error. The file is running normally on my Matlab version, both with a live script and a normal script. I see one possibility for the error you have: you use an older version of SEIQRDP. Previous versions of SEIQRDP accepted less inputs than the new one.