MATLAB: Issue with matrix dimensions


I am getting and error "index exceeds matrix dimension". I am just loading a .mat file which has 2 equal sized coloums and placing the values of each coloum in a varialble. I did not define an index, for example to loop over the matrix. Any ideas why I get this error ?
mu_Au = 0;
mu_Si = 0;
k_B = 8.6173303e-5;
T = 300;
e0= 1.6021766e-19;
h = 6.62607e-34;
func_fermi = @(E,mu) 1./(1 + exp((E-mu)/(k_B*T)));
TE1 = load('TransmissionA1.mat');
E = TE1(:,1); TP = TE1(:,2);

Best Answer

TE1 = load('TransmissionA1.mat');
Check TE1 will be a structure. You cannot access it like you did. Try:
S = load('TransmissionA1.mat');
TE1 = S.TE1 ;
E = TE1(:,1); TP = TE1(:,2);