MATLAB: Issue with matrix combination – error with sin and cos in matrix

MATLABmatrix manipulation

I have a following situation and I am not sure how to solve it.
I have a variable (angle) FiA that goes in deg from -10 until 170 with a step od 20.
Than I have variable FiF that is equal to variable Fifm+FiA/3 and the variable Fifm is also in deg from -60 until 170 with the step of 20.
And this part I manage to generate but the problem starts when I want to write down all possibilities of matrix that have the following variable. For example:
F=[1 0 0: 0 cofFiF - sinFif: 0 sinFif cosFif]
Then I get the error. When I write down the sinus and cosinus i can get all kind of combination but if I put them i matrix it gives me error.
Do you know maybe why?

Best Answer

FiA = -10:20:170;
FiFm = -60:10:170;
[gFiA, gFiFm] = ndgrid(FiA, FiFm); %you want all combinations
gFiF = gFiFm + gFiA / 3;
COSF = cosd(gFiF); %cosd and sind because you are working in degrees!
SINF = sind(gFiF);
F = arrayfun( @(sinFif, cosFif) [1 0 0; 0 cosFif -sinFif; 0 sinFif cosFif], SINF, COSF, 'uniform', 0);
The result will be a 10 x 24 cell array, in which each entry will be the rotation matrix for one Fia paired with one FiFm.