MATLAB: Issue to begin TestBench generation.

hdlcoder hdl testbench workflow advisor

I'm trying to generate TestBench from 'Verify with HDL Test Bench' in Workflow Advisor.
the code is like this.
– test.m
clear all
N = 128;
Fs = 40;
t = (0:N-1)'/Fs;
x = sin(2*pi*15*t) + 0.75*cos(2*pi*10*t);
y = x + .25*randn(size(x));
y_fixed = sfi(y,32,24);
Yf = zeros(1,3*N);
validOut = false(1,3*N);
for loop = 1:1:3*N
if (mod(loop, N) == 0)
i = N;
i = mod(loop, N);
[Yf(loop),validOut(loop)] = HDLFFT128(complex(y_fixed(i)),(loop <= N));
Yf = Yf(validOut == 1);
Yr = bitrevorder(Yf);
plot(Fs/2*linspace(0,1,N/2), 2*abs(Yr(1:N/2)/N))
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of Noisy Signal y(t)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Output of FFT (f)')
The below is HDLFFT128 function.
– HDLFFT128.m
% function [yOut,validOut] = HDLFFT128(yIn,validIn)
% %HDLFFT128
% % Processes one sample of FFT data using the dsp.HDLFFT System object(TM)
% % yIn is a fixed-point scalar or column vector.
% % validIn is a logical scalar value.
% % You can generate HDL code from this function.
% persistent fft128;
% if isempty(fft128)
% fft128 = dsp.HDLFFT('FFTLength',128);
% end
% [yOut,validOut] = fft128(yIn,validIn);
% end
function [yOut,validOut] = HDLFFT128(yIn,validIn)
% Processes one sample of FFT data using the dsp.HDLFFT System object(TM)
% yIn is a fixed-point scalar or column vector.
% validIn is a logical scalar value.
% You can generate HDL code from this function.
persistent fft128;
if isempty(fft128)
fft128 = dsp.HDLFFT('FFTLength',128);
[yOut,validOut] = fft128(yIn,validIn);
The problem is that I come across the below errors when I run the generate testbench.
Would you please how do I resolve this problem?

Best Answer

What version of MATLAB are you using? I was not able to reproduce the issue. Please see the attached message.