MATLAB: Issue plotting boxplot using data from data frame


Hello all,
I have a dataframe 'Newdata'.
I want to create a boxplot with 5 categories of the independent variable 'Religiosity' and the continous dependent variable 'Spatial Memory'. Thus, there should be five boxplots overall, one for each category of the independent variable 'religiosity'.
I have tried using the boxplot function – boxplot(Newdata, 'whisker',1.5) but this is giving me the error:
'X' parameter must be a numeric vector or matrix.
Would anyone be able to give me a helping hand as to how I can do this using the dataframe I have?
I have attached a screenshot below.

Best Answer

Hi Emre,
You are getting the error as NewData variable is a cell array whereas boxplot requires it to be a matrix.
To resolve the error you need to convert the cell array to matrix.
I would suggest you to first extract the indices of individual types using this answer.
After the extraction, get the respective values and store in a matrix.
Then you can call the boxplot.
Hope it helps