MATLAB: Isolating segments of data in one column using time integrals from the next column

cell arraycolumndatadata handlingdata segmentisolationmatrixoutputrowtime

I am trying to find segments of data from intervals of start and stop times. The data is a matrix with data in the first column and time stamps in the second column that correspond to the interval times. I would like to get the data in the first column that corresponds to the time stamps in the second column. I would also like the out put interval (there are multiple intervals, in the samples I provided there are 3) to be that each segment is in a separate matrix row or column or even cell array (any is find I just want them to be separate). I have tried some code but am getting empty cell array outputs:
for i=1:numel(interval(:,1))
I have attached an example of data in a matrix data and intervals in matrix interval. Any help would be wonderful.

Best Answer

Logical addressing to the rescue!!! :)
>> for i=1:length(interval)
>> whos c
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
c 1x3 336180 cell
>> c{1}(1:5,:)
ans =
-0.1134 62.6188
-0.1084 62.6198
-0.1103 62.6208
-0.0544 62.6218
-0.0191 62.6228
iswithin is my "syntactic sugar" utility routine--
>> type iswithin
function flg=iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for values within range of input
% [log] = iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for x between lo and hi values, inclusive
flg= (x>=lo) & (x<=hi);
You can collapse the loop via arrayfun; whether it's any faster or not is probably iff--
>> arrayfun(@(i1,i2) data(iswithin(data(:,2),i1,i2),:), ...
interval(:,1),interval(:,2), ...
ans =
[7000x2 double]
[7000x2 double]
[7000x2 double]