MATLAB: Isn’t the year in the categorical array time properly converted in Matlab

datestrdatetimeMATLABtime series

I have the following catergorical array in Matlab
ans =
3×1 categorical array
13-10-19 00:03
13-10-19 00:08
13-10-19 00:12
I want to use it as x-axis for a timeseries, in order to do so I need it as time string, so what I have done is the following
ans =
3×1 string array
"13-10-19 00:03"
"13-10-19 00:08"
"13-10-19 00:12"
If I cavert it using either datetime or datestr the year seems to be lost or wrongly converted
ans =
3×1 datetime array
19-Oct-0013 00:03:00
19-Oct-0013 00:08:00
19-Oct-0013 00:12:00
ans =
3×20 char array
'19-Oct-0013 00:03:00'
'19-Oct-0013 00:08:00'
'19-Oct-0013 00:12:00'
Why is this? How can I convert the year properly?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I solved by using
datetime(string(time(1:3)),'InputFormat','dd-MM-yy HH:mm')