MATLAB: Isn’t the SD memory card working with the USRP2 unit when using Communications System Toolbox 5.0 (R2011a)

Communications Toolbox

I burned firmware for the USRP2 unit to an SD memory card using the instructions in solution 1-CUN7JZ. However, when I insert the card into my USRP2 unit, the unit does not work properly. I know the card is not defective because I can store standard files on it and read it from my PC.

Best Answer

At the following webpage:
Ettus Research says the following about SD cards:
Warning! It is possible to use 3rd party SD cards with the USRP2. However, certain types of SD cards will not interface with the CPLD:
* Cards can be SDHC, which is not a supported interface.
* Cards can have unexpected timing characteristics.
For these reasons, we recommend that you use the SD card that was supplied with the USRP2.
Because the USRP2 is a sensitive piece of equipment, it is possible that an SD card that works fine on a PC does not work with the USRP2. In order to buy an SD card that is guaranteed to work with the USRP2, you should purchase the card directly from Ettus.
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