MATLAB: Isn’t the output of an N point FFT discrete


I have written a code that samples and quantizes a cosine function and then finds it's FFT. I have got two questions: 1. Why is the output of the FFT shown as a continuous plot ? 2. The FFT doesn't give the correct frequency of my cosine function. Why ?
f=m*fs/(2^N); %Frequency of sinusoid
nCyl=16; %generate sixteen cycles of sinusoid
t=0:1/fs:nCyl*1/f; %time index
Theoretically this code should produce a graph showing a big peak at 16 but that peak is coming at 17 . Why ?

Best Answer

Hi Chinmay,
If by 'isn't discrete' you are referring to the values in between the peaks, they are basically at the numerical limit for double precision. You might prefer plot(20*log10(abs(ff/256)),'o'), or stem(20*log10(abs(ff/256))+300) for the result relative to -300 dB. As for the peak location, an fft output array starts with zero frequency in ff(1), so f=16 is in ff(17).
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