MATLAB: Isn’t MATLAB returning all menu options


This is my code:
%Prompt user to select a day
options = Days(:,1);
choice = menu('Select a day:',options);
The popup menu ends up only having one option, 1.
I've tried so many versions of this that I'm thinking that I might have accidentally toggled a setting that effects the menu function. Is there a way to adjust the menu settings?
EDIT: For 366 values, it would make more sense and be more user-friendly to make it a type-in response… but my assignment wants it to be a multiple choice menu window.

Best Answer

Try listdlg (link) instead:
% Prompt user to select a day
options = {sprintf('%3d\n',Days(:,1))};
choice = listdlg('PromptString','Select a day:', 'ListString',options);