MATLAB: “ismember” error with tall arrays

tallarrays ismember error

I am using Matlab R2016b version and working with tall arrays. I have created a tall table and have also an in-memory cell array, lets' call it B.
I would like to keep only rows of my tall table where tt.Variable1 is found in the in-memory array B.
Thus, I am using function ismember, which is said to work with tall (, quoting from the link: Input A must be a tall array, and input B must be an in-memory array. when I do
  1. idx= ismember(tt.Variable1, B)==1;
  2. tt = tt(idx,:);
I get an error: Input A of class tall and input B of class cell must be the same class, unless one is double.
How can I solve this?
SMALL EDIT: For more informatioin:
  • class(B)=cell
  • class(tt.Variable1)=tall
  • classUnderlying(tt.Variable1)=
  • 1×4 tall char array
  • cell

Best Answer

tall/ismember was only added in R2017a. See the R2016b list of supported functions if you cannot upgrade to R2017a. In R2017a, you can do stuff like this:
>> tt = tall(table({'a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'}, rand(5, 1)))
tt =
5×2 tall table
Var1 Var2
____ _______
'a' 0.15761
'b' 0.97059
'c' 0.95717
'd' 0.48538
'e' 0.80028
>> B = {'c'; 'e'};
>> idx = ismember(tt.Var1, B);
>> tt(idx,:)
ans =
2×2 tall table
Var1 Var2
____ _______
'c' 0.95717
'e' 0.80028