MATLAB: Ising model ploting problem


J = 1;
numSpinsPerDim = 2^3;
probSpinUp = 0.5;
spin = sign(probSpinUp – rand(numSpinsPerDim, numSpinsPerDim));
kT = 1;
% Metropolis algorithm
numIters = 2^7 * numel(spin);
for iter = 1 : numIters
% Pick a random spin
linearIndex = randi(numel(spin));
[row, col] = ind2sub(size(spin), linearIndex);
% Find its nearest neighbors
above = mod(row – 1 – 1, size(spin,1)) + 1;
below = mod(row + 1 – 1, size(spin,1)) + 1;
left = mod(col – 1 – 1, size(spin,2)) + 1;
right = mod(col + 1 – 1, size(spin,2)) + 1;
neighbors = [ spin(above,col);
spin(row,left); spin(row,right);
% Calculate energy change if this spin is flipped
dE = 2 * J * spin(row, col) * sum(neighbors);
% Boltzmann probability of flipping
prob = exp(-dE / kT);
% Spin flip condition
if dE <= 0 || rand() <= prob
spin(row, col) = – spin(row, col);
% The mean energy
sumOfNeighbors = …
circshift(spin, [ 0 1]) …
+ circshift(spin, [ 0 -1]) …
+ circshift(spin, [ 1 0]) …
+ circshift(spin, [-1 0]);
Em = – J * spin .* sumOfNeighbors;
E = 0.5 * sum(Em(:));
Emean = E / numel(spin);
% The mean magnetization
Mmean = mean(spin(:));
numSpinsPerDim = 2^3;
probSpinUp = 0.5;
J = 1;
kT = 1;
function spin = initSpins(numSpinsPerDim, probSpinUp);
spin = metropolis(spin, kT, J);
Emean = energyIsing(spin, J);
Mmean = magnetizationIsing(spin);
numSpinsPerDim = 2^3;
probSpinUp = 0.5;
J = 1;
% Temperatures to sample
numTemps = 2^9;
kTc = 2*J / log(1+sqrt(2)); % Curie temperature
kT = linspace(0, 2*kTc, numTemps);
% Preallocate to store results
Emean = zeros(size(kT));
Mmean = zeros(size(kT));
% Replace 'for' with 'parfor' to run in parallel with Parallel Computing Toolbox.
for tempIndex = 1 : numTemps
spin = initSpins(numSpinsPerDim, probSpinUp);
spin = metropolis(spin, kT(tempIndex), J);
Emean(tempIndex) = energyIsing(spin, J);
Mmean(tempIndex) = magnetizationIsing(spin);
plot(kT/kTc, Emean, '.');
hold on;
window = (2^-3)*numTemps – 1;
plot(kT / kTc, movmean( Emean, window));
plot(kT / kTc, movmedian(Emean, window));
hold off;
title('Mean Energy Per Spin vs Temperature');
xlabel('kT / kTc');
grid on;
[num2str(window) ' pt. moving mean'],…
[num2str(window) ' pt. moving median'],…
'Location', 'NorthWest');
plot(kT / kTc, Mmean, '.');
grid on;
title('Magnetization vs Temperature');
xlabel('kT / kTc');
plot(kT / kTc, abs(Mmean), '.');
hold on;
window = (2^-3)*numTemps – 1;
plot(kT / kTc, movmean( abs(Mmean), window));
plot(kT / kTc, movmedian(abs(Mmean), window));
hold off;
title('Magnetization vs Temperature');
xlabel('kT / kTc');
grid on;
[num2str(window) ' pt. moving mean'],…
[num2str(window) ' pt. moving median'],…
'Location', 'NorthEast');
why ı dont get any plots?

Best Answer

You have your plot commands within function "initSpins", which is never called by the coding above it!
Also check line 49, where you use "spins" while defining it!
You seem to define "numSpinsPerDim" and "probSpinUp" several times.
You haven't included functions "metropolis", "energyIsing", "magnetizationIsing", so we can't run the code to check anything even if we correct the points noted above.