MATLAB: Is toolbox “MATLAB_Bu​ilder_for_​Java” the same as “MATLAB Compiler SDK”

matlab builder for javaMATLAB CompilerMATLAB Compiler SDK

Dear all,
I've been reading a lot about the Matlab Compiler SDK and how to use it. My university offers token for Matlab License (until R2017) including some toolboxes. In the toolbox available, i found :
Unfortunately, the manager of our software licenses is not able to tell me if those are the same as the "Matlab Compiler" and " Matlab Compiler SDK". I may have understood that the "Matlab Builder for Java" was available in older version of Matlab?
If anyone could confirm this information, I would be really glad !
Best wishes for this new year,
EDIT : I've already contacted Mathworks but I'm still waiting for their answer.

Best Answer

MATLAB Builder JA was present as a toolbox prior to R2015a. From R2015a , MATLAB Compiler SDK was introduced by refactoring MATLAB Builder JA
Please refer to the below release notes:
I hope this will help you.