MATLAB: Is this possible to convert a thick line or curve into its thinner version

digital image processing

Is this possible to convert a thick line or curve into its thinner version in an image using Matlab / Octave? Please view the image. Right side curves (alphabets) are thicker and need to be converted into the left ones. i.e., a single line version is needed.

Best Answer

Take an image with the best exposure possible, having high contrast between the paper white and font black. Use a simple tresholding method like Otsu's and get a BW binary image. Use:
a) erosion (imerode) with a disk structural element (strel)
b) use bwulterode
c) you can also use bwmorph with 'skel' option.
I am sure there are other ways to do it too. Just a couple simple ones that might help start.