MATLAB: Is there way to start reading a text file from a couple rows down

cell arrayread texttextscan

901 SPC/E water
1SOL OW 1 2.814 1.337 1.239 0.4720 -0.0436 -0.1794
1SOL HW1 2 2.909 1.308 1.228 0.7704 1.4608 -2.2011
1SOL HW2 3 2.767 1.330 1.151 -0.9544 0.4023 0.5178
2SOL OW 4 2.570 2.461 0.915 0.8090 -0.4597 -0.5450
2SOL HW1 5 2.641 2.515 0.959 -0.6187 0.1431 1.1554
I want to use textscan to place each column into a cell array. How do I ignore the first two lines of the text file?

Best Answer

Use 'Headerlines', 2 as an option in textscan()