MATLAB: Is there no warning generated about incompatible compilers when calling “mex -setup” in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b)


I am using a supported compiler for Real-Time Workshop (MSVC 2008 in R2008b) and I did not get a warning that this compiler is not supported for Stateflow.
It would be useful to get a message when selecting a certain compiler with mex -setup showing the appropriate information from the supported compiler website for the selected compiler. E.g. something like: "Attention: This compiler is not supported for ProductX and ProductY."

Best Answer

The ability to see compiler incompatibilities when calling
mex -setup
is not available in MATLAB.
To work around this issue, please see the following web page. It lists all the supported compilers for the current version of MATLAB and SIMULINK:
For previous versions, please click on the "Supported Compilers" link under the "Previous Releases" heading on the top left-hand side of the page.
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