MATLAB: Is there anything wrong to the code


if (((N(end)=='A'||N(end)=='B'||N(end)=='C'||N(end)=='D'||N(end)=='E'||N(end)=='F') && (b1>=10))|| str2num(N(end))>=b1)
my matlab says that:
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in sample (line 22)
if (((N(end)=='A'||N(end)=='B'||N(end)=='C'||N(end)=='D'||N(end)=='E'||N(end)=='F') && (b1>=10))||
fprintf(2, '|| ERROR! || The digit/s of the number you desire to convert SHOULD NOT EXCEED the value of initial base\n')
whats wrong here? my input is N=9A then my b1=9(str type) then my b2=10.

Best Answer

I don't think you have told the whole story:
>> N = '9A';
>> b1='9';
>> (((N(end)=='A' || ...
N(end)=='B' || ...
N(end)=='C' || ...
N(end)=='D' || ...
N(end)=='E' || ...
N(end)=='F') && ...
(b1>=10))|| ...
ans =
By the way, why do you say b1 is a string, then check to see if it is greater than 10? Either way, calling STR2NUM on N(end) will result in an empty array because 'A' can't convert to a number...
Also, try this: