MATLAB: Is there any workaround for the slow performance of path.m


I use Matlab on multiple machines and generally do not have write access to the directory where the path is saved (i.e. I cannot use the set path dialog or savepath.m to store my path for future sessions). Furthermore, even if I could do this, I want to automatically accomodate changes to the subfolders in my code directories at every startup.
For this reason I generate my path at every startup using a startup script. This script takes several minutes to run with virtually all the time being spent in path.m in the call to the built-in matlabpath function. In a recent startup test, 116.927 seconds were spent on 497 calls to matlabpath.
Is there any way of speeding this up?

Best Answer

can you show your code? Are you adding network paths?
I use addpath in the startup.m with no problems (runs very quickly, a few seconds)/
If your sub padirectorys are dynamic then use:
addpath ( genpath ( pwd ) )