MATLAB: Is there any way to increase the radius of a circular formatted directed graph

circlecircular graphdigraphgraph theorylayoutradius

I am plotting a directed graph with nodes of the graph arranged in a circle using:
This suits my needs pretty well, but I would really like the radius of the circle to be larger. It does not look like radius size is an optional argument for the layout(p,'circle') command, but this would be really convenient if it were! How might I proceed? Is there any way to increase the radius of my circular formatted directed graph?

Best Answer

I did not entirely see what you precisely meant by "increase the radius" but here I offer you an example of changing the properties. For instance, using the command below, you can double the positions of the nodes horizontally.
p.XData = 2*p.XData;
Likewise, you can double them vertically.
p.YData = 2*p.YData;