MATLAB: Is there any way to convert “*” to “.*”


Is there any way to convert this "*" into this ".*"
My output is this
- 1.8420821237718587592979702094453*x^3 + 3.2914765235937450960079786455026*x^2 - 0.44362298592685589504469589883229*x + 0.023160255314885146854519959447316

Best Answer

Why do you think you need to do so?
In the symbolic expression you refer to, all of the * operators are multiplying a scalar numeric constant times x to some power. This is automatically done by the * operator.
It would have been arguably more important to convert those ^ to .^ operators, since ^ does not trivially do what you may be asking in vectorized form.
So, suppose I have the symbolic expression...
ans =
- 1.8420821237718587592979702094453*x^3 + 3.2914765235937450960079786455026*x^2 - 0.44362298592685589504469589883229*x + 0.023160255314885146854519959447316
ans =
function_handle with value:
As you can see, matlabFunction did what you wanted, I think. So you CAN do what you wanted.