MATLAB: Is there any way to check spelling from within MATLAB


I would like to be able to check the spelling of a word within MATLAB without having to write my own spell checking algorithm.

Best Answer

There is currently no spell checking functionality contained in MATLAB. However, using ActiveX, you can implement the spell checker of another program and bring the results back to MATLAB. The following example shows how to do this using Microsoft Word's spell checker:
function suggestion = checkSpelling(word)
%CHECKSPELLING uses MSWord to correct spelling
% CHECKSPELLING(WORD) checks the spelling of WORD and returns spelling
% suggestions as a cell array. If WORD is spelled correctly, CHECKSPELLING
% will return empty brackets. If no suggestions are found. CHECKSPELLING
% returns 'no suggestions'.
%Start the Word ActiveX Server and check the spelling of WORD
h = actxserver('word.application');
correct = h.CheckSpelling(word);
if correct
suggestion = []; %return empty if spelled correctly
%If incorrect and there are suggestions, return them in a cell array
if h.GetSpellingSuggestions(word).count > 0
count = h.GetSpellingSuggestions(word).count;
for i = 1:count
suggestion{i} = h.GetSpellingSuggestions(word).Item(i).get('name');
%If incorrect but there are no suggestions, return this:
suggestion = 'no suggestions';
%Quit Word to release the server
Currently there is no workaround for platforms other than Windows.