MATLAB: Is there any way to change from * to .* in a expression automatically

.**symbolic multiplication

Hello, suppose I have found an expression like:
syms q1; syms Dq1
H2 = 3*Dq1^2*sin(q1);
where I would find after:
q1 = [0.09 0 0.1675]; %coefficients of a polinomial
Dq1 = [0.18 0]; %coefficients of the derivative of q1
t = linspace(0,1,100);
q1 = polyval(q1,t);
Dq1 = polyval(Dq1,t);
I want to plot H2 in function of t. Instead of using '*' in the expression of H2, I had to use '.*' to be able to multiply the vectors element by element. (and '.^2' either). But I did that manually since H2 is a small expression.
My question is: would there be a way that would do that automatically? Because H2 in my code is pretty huge, it would be impossible to change it manually. Would there be another way to evaluate the symbolic terms and do the element by element operations so I could be able to plot it?

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