MATLAB: Is there any reason an Arduino Primo cannot send data to the ThingSpeak field


Does the device need to have a secure protocol? The Primo does not.

Best Answer

It Worked!!!! I got it to work with a delay as low as 40 msec, but set it to 80 msec for margin.
Thank you Christopher Stapels for seeing me through this!
Recap: Send data to ThingSpeak using Arduino Primo
Two approaches were reccommended, approach 2 worked
1). The approach shown in did not work for my Primo, the error suggesting a problem with dtostrf, even when the library was added. Was unable to resolve due to my limited experience/time availability.
2). I modified Arduino IDE's Example/WifiLink/WifiWebClient.ino by swapping in the POST commands found in the ThingSpeak example "Wireless Network Signal Strength" with a delay added as per Christopher Stapels previous comment. Success was achieved. :)