MATLAB: Is there any other way than manually updating the noise parameter such that the algorithm re runs for every parameter and then plots the graph

I have the following code where the noise parameter changes in an interval of 0.01.I want to plot the graph without manually re-entering all the data.x axis will be 0.01-0.10 and y axis will be RMSE
V_test=imnoise(V_test,'gaussian', *0.01*);%changing 0.01 till 0.10
V_test = V_test - mean(V_test(:));
V_test = V_test / sqrt(mean(V_test(:).^2));
V_test = V_test + 0.25;
V_test = V_test * 0.25;
V_test = min(V_test,1);
V_test = max(V_test,0);
H_test=abs(randn(49,472)); %multiplicative step H_test = H_test.*(W_test'*V_test)./(W_test'*W_test*H_test + 1e-9); error=sum((V_test- W_test*H_test).^2)/(sum(V_test).^2); % Errors RMSE = sqrt(error);%store this value

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