MATLAB: Is there an real efficient ODE system solvers

MATLABode solvers

my task considered with numeric solution of large ODE systems, i.e. method of lines, where typical ODE system consists of 300 and more equations that tends to be stiff. As far as I know, in Matlab ODE all solvers are not adopted for multicore. But for such ODE numbers they work really slow. What shall I do to increase the speed of my programs while using ODE15S or ODE45?
Kind regards, Vasily.

Best Answer

A stiff system should be solved by ODE15s.
Actually a parallelization should be easy, when the several function evaluations are independent from eachother. But even then Matlab integrators will not be really fast automatically. A comparison with equivalent C-ODE45 have been depressing. But when the system is large (and 300 is at least a little bit large), the overhead of the integrator should be negligible, while the function to be integrated gets more important. Could you post it, such that we can find redundant code or detect problems like discontinuities.
In every case, there is no magic flag, which allows to set a clandestine after burner on fire to accelerate the ODE solvers.
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