MATLAB: Is there an example for using Data Acquisition Toolbox with Parallel Computing Toolbox

Data Acquisition ToolboxMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

I am acquiring data in background mode from a DAQ device and simultaneously processing and plotting data live. If the data processing function execution takes longer than the time between two expected DataAvailable callbacks, the DataAvailable callbacks get queued and the live plot lags with respect to wall clock time.
Is there an example on how to use Parallel Computing Toolbox to offload the data processing to a different worker?

Best Answer

Please find attached a simple DAQ session example showing how to use parfeval and DataQueue with afterEach callback to update a live plot with the processed data.
This would be a useful approach in cases where the data processing function has an execution time that impacts the DAQ session DataAvailable callbacks execution or the app responsiveness.