MATLAB: Is there an example for reading a text data file with multiple delimiters in MATLAB


I would like to use TEXTSCAN to read an ASCII file that contains time series data in the following format:
07-01-2003 14:00:00,  0.00614,  0.01986,  0.00000,  0.20094,  0.05174, -0.03086, -0.29720,  0.00000
07-01-2003 14:00:01,  0.00920,  0.01976,  0.00000,  0.20104,  0.05164, -0.03086, -0.29720,  0.00000
I would like to treat the date and time as columns, e.g. one column for day, one for month, one for year etc. How can I use TEXTSCAN's input arguments (scan format, extra arguments) to get this as a result:
{[7;7]}  {[1;1]} {[2003;2003]} {[14;14]} {[0;0]} {[0;1]} {[ 0.00614; 0.00920]}

Best Answer

This can be done using a combination of both TEXTSCAN to read in the data, and the REGEXPI function to use regular expressions to organize the data. For example:
txt = textread('text.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
m = regexpi(txt,'(?:[0-9]\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*)', 'match')
For more information on the REGEXPI function, execute the following at the MATLAB command prompt:
doc regexpi