MATLAB: Is there an error in the documentation of the Neural Network Toolbox 4.0.2 (R13) about the default training function of perceptron networks

adaptadaptfcnDeep Learning Toolboxperceptron

I use the following command to open a documentation page of the Neural Network Toolbox:
web([docroot '\toolbox\nnet\percep10.html']);
At the bottom of the page, it reads:
Note that the default training function for networks created with newp is trains. (You can find this by executing net.trainFcn.)
However, I found the above statement to be incorrect:
net = newp([0 1; -2 2],1);
The default training function, as shown in the output, is TRAINC instead of TRAINS:
ans =

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006a (R2006a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is an error within the documentation for the Neural Network Toolbox 4.0.2 (R13) within the "Training (train)" page in the "Creating a Perceptron (newp)" section. The documentation should read as follows:
Note that the default training function for networks created with newp is trains. (You can find this by executing net.adaptFcn.)