MATLAB: Is there an error in the CLUSTERGRAM documentation concerning arguments to PDIST, in Bioinformatics Toolbox

Bioinformatics Toolboxdissimilaritydistancemetric

The CLUSTERGRAM function reference in the Bioinformatics Toolbox describes the properties 'RowPdistValue' and 'ColumnPdistValue' as "String[s] that specifies the distance metric to pass to the pdist function" for rows and columns, respectively.
However, this does not seem accurate, and I receive errors such as:
??? Error using ==> validatepropertyname at 19
Unknown clustergram property name: RowPdistValue.
Error in ==> setproperty at 7
[name, k] = validatepropertyname(obj,name);
Error in ==> clustergram.set at 89
[a, changed, k] = setproperty(a,name,p);
Error in ==> clustergram.clustergram>parse_inputs at 489
set(obj, varargin{:});
Error in ==> clustergram.clustergram>clustergram.clustergram at 249
parse_inputs(obj, inputval{:});
??? Error using ==> validatepropertyname at 19
Unknown clustergram property name: ColumnPdistValue.
Error in ==> setproperty at 7
[name, k] = validatepropertyname(obj,name);
Error in ==> clustergram.set at 89
[a, changed, k] = setproperty(a,name,p);
Error in ==> clustergram.clustergram>parse_inputs at 489
set(obj, varargin{:});
Error in ==> clustergram.clustergram>clustergram.clustergram at 249
parse_inputs(obj, inputval{:});
when I attempt to use these properties.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2009a (R2009a). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
The documentation concerning these properties is in error in two ways:
1. The property names are actually 'RowPDist', and 'ColumnPDist'.
2. They can contain any additional valid inputs to PDIST.