MATLAB: Is there a workaround to the ‘parfor’ command so that it can work for non-consecutive iteration steps

Parallel Computing Toolboxparfor

Currently, the parfor command takes an iteration step of one, and it beats my intention of speeding up the loop calculation.

Best Answer

If you are using the parfor iteration number as a data parameter, then create a vector with all of the desired parameters and use a sequential parfor index to index that vector. For example instead of
total = 0;
parfor K = [1 2 4 8 16]
total = total + B.^K;
you would use
K_vals = [1 2 4 8 16];
total = 0;
parfor Kidx = 1 : length(K_vals)
K = K_vals(Kidx);
total = total + B.^K;
This will not work if you are using K to index an array you are writing into.
If you are using the parfor iteration number to iterate in a "random" order, then leave out the re-ordering: parfor does not iterate sequentially anyhow. For example, instead of
parfor K = randperm(123)
X(K) = ....
just use
parfor K = 1 : 123
X(K) = ...
If you are using the parfor iteration number to select a subset of the data, then the work-around is to extract the needed subset of the data and iterate sequentially over the subset, and later write the subset back. For example, instead of
parfor K = [1 2 4 8 16]
X(K) = X(K) * 2;
K_vals = [1 2 4 8 16];
X_subset = X(K_vals);
parfor K = 1 : length(K_vals)
X_subset(K) = X_subset(K) * 2;
X(K_vals) = X_subset;