MATLAB: Is there a way to view/access all instances of a property

instancesobjectobject-orientedobjectsproperty instances

I'm new to Matlab, and confused on how instances are stored. Say that I have a class outlining a couple properties:
name = []
value = []
At each instance, an object defines the name/value properties differently. Is there a way to store/access all instances of each property?
For example, say I make a few different objects and define their properties (we'll call this class 'MyClass')
a = MyClass; = 'Var1';
a.value = [2 4];
b = MyClass; = 'Var2';
b.value = [4 6 8];
c = MyClass; = 'Var3';
c.value = [1 2 3 4];
Say I want to access all instances of the property 'value'. How would I get something like this as the output?
value = [[2 4], [4 6 8], [1 2 3 4]];
My bad if this is worded poorly!

Best Answer

Rather than a, b, and c.; create a 3x1 object array
a(1).name = 2
a(2).name = 3
a(3).name = 4
Then just