MATLAB: Is there a way to use the point-of-view (POV) switch on the joystick with the Joystick Input block in the Aerospace Blockset 2.2 (R2006b)

Aerospace Blocksetinputjoystickofpointpovview

I want to use the POV switch on a joystick to control trimflaps during my simulation.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
To use the POV switch of a joystick with the Pilot Joystick block in Aerospace Blockset:
1. Double-click the Pilot Joystick block.
2. Select the 'Output configuration' popup list. This option enables you to output all signals from the joystick.
3. From the list, select 'AllOutputs' and click OK. The block outputs reflect three ports. Port 3 is for POV.
To implement actions based on signals, you can do one of the following:
  • With the POV signal, use Enabled or Triggered subsystems to perform actions based on the signal value.
  • Use If-Else blocks to implement actions based on a signal.
See the following documentation links for further help:
Creating Conditionally Executed Subsystems
Modeling Control Flow Logic