MATLAB: Is there a way to use imregtform with the parallel toolbox or with GPU

Image Processing Toolbox

I would like to speed the registration of my two high-resolution images.  Is there a way to either parallelize the registration process or to move this to the GPU for processing?

Best Answer

The ability to use "imregtform" or "imregister" to register images using either the GPU or the Parallel Computing toolbox is not currently available in MATLAB R2013b.  A possible workaround is to increase the "PyramidLevel" parameter for the registration functions.  A pyramid level is a resolution-reduced version of the original images to register.  "imregtform" and "imregister" first solve the optimization problem at this resolution, then use the result to initialize the optimization of the higher-resolution images.  Further increasing the 'PyramidLevel' parameter will make sure that your high-resolution images are reduced in resolution further.  This will allow the optimization to be solved at even lower resolutions first and work upwards in resolution.  The computational benefits come from narrowing the neighborhood of the optimal parameter at lower-resolutions to avoid unnecessary parameter space search at higher resolutions.