MATLAB: Is there a way to return the contents of the Simulink Block Data Type Support table produced by the “showblockdatatypetable” command into a cell array


Is there a way to return the contents of the Simulink Block Data Type Support table produced by the "showblockdatatypetable" command into a cell array?
I would like to obtain the contents of this table to create a custom Simulink check that determines if blocks within a model meet code generation standards.
Currently, this command doesn't have any output arguments, but rather displays an HTML page containing a table of Simulink block data type support.

Best Answer

There is no method for returning the contents of the Simulink block data type support table in a cell array.
However, to address the original concern, there is an existing Model Advisor check titled "mathworks.codegen.PCGSupport" that does exactly this: "Identify blocks not supported by code generation or not recommended for C/C++ production code deployment."