MATLAB: Is there a way to reduce the number of DLLs MATLAB ships with an EXE or DLL

MATLAB Compiler

I would like to reduce the number of DLLs MATLAB ships with an EXE or DLL.

Best Answer

MathWorks has spent a lot of time modularizing our code base, but the libraries that MATLAB requires are still very significant.
We recommend that you run the MGLinstaller.exe on each machine that will receive the distributed application once and set up the system PATH correctly. For more information on how to run the MGLinstaller, see the Related Solution.
If you do this step, then you need only to redistribute the single DLL (or EXE) that you built with the compiler and any .dll mex files that it depends on that are not part of the standard distribution (usually no MEX files are required).
You can distribute multiple applications by giving the single DLL (or EXE) file.
We are currently working on COM integration that will make callling compiler-generated applications easier on NT, and on an installer that will enable other parties to install the required libraries more simply.