MATLAB: Is there a way to prevent matlab from going into swap memory

maximummemoryout of memoryswap memory

Sometimes when working with new code I inadvertently declare an array or too many arrays such that matlab starts working in swap memory. Sometimes I can get matlab to respond and clear the memory, but most of the time I have to explicitly kill the matlab processes and restart matlab. So what I'm wondering is if there is a way to tell matlab to throw an error if too much memory is requested; kind of like it did back when I was using 32-bit matlab and it would give "out-of-memory" errors.

Best Answer

Which OS?
If you are using Linux or Mac OS-X, then you can use the shell "ulimit" command before you start up MATLAB in that shell. You would, in that case, probably want to use the "-v" option of ulimit.
If you are using MS Windows, then I am not familiar with the mechanisms for that, but you could ask Clippy.