MATLAB: Is there a way to plot multiple files using a loop in matlab

excelforfor loopindexindexingMATLABplotplottingstringstrings

I want to use a for loop to plot data from a range of files whos names are string values. This is the code I am using:
%Convert variable year from integer to string
yr2 = num2str(17);
dy2 = num2str(4);
mn2 = num2str(4);
%Create a MMDDYY string
date_str=[mn '-' dy '-' yr];
date_str2=[mn2 '-' dy2 '-' yr2];
for i = date_str:date_str2
is there a way I can plot the data from 3-15-17 to 4-4-17, which are in excel files? I already have programs in which I can plot an individual day, I just want to be able to plot a range of days.

Best Answer

Instead of manually creating date strings, try using the datetime object. It can be iterated like you want, and then you can create a string representing the filename using the datestr function.