MATLAB: Is there a way to make a 4D contour plot


I am looking to visualize some 4 dimensional data. What would the best way to do this be?
I want to create a sort of contour plot but instead of lines, it would show a group of surfaces that represent different cross-sections of the 4D curve.

Best Answer

You can create a 4D contour plot by using "isosurface" to plot a surface at 1 or more isovalues and setting the 'alpha' of each so that they are slightly transparent.
[x,y,z,v] = flow;
levellist = linspace(-10,2,7);
for i = 1:length(levellist)
level = levellist(i);
p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,v,level));
p.FaceVertexCData = level;
p.FaceColor = 'flat';
p.EdgeColor = 'none';
p.FaceAlpha = 0.3;
Otherwise, MATLAB has a variety of other methods for visualizing 4D data. Take a look at this documentation link: