MATLAB: Is there a way to extract the 3 transfer function in matlab given these equations.

MATLABtransfer function

I have these 3 equations
X1(s)*[m1*s^2 + c1*s+(k01+k12)] = F(s) + k12*X2(s)
X2(s)*[m2*s^2 + c2*s +(k12+k23)] = k12*X1(s)+k23*X3(s)
X3(s) [m3*s^2 + c3*s +(k23+k34)] = k23*X2(s)
and I am wondering if there is a possibility to be able to extract my 3 transfer functions, X1(s)/F(s), X2(s)/F(s), and X3(s)/F(s).
Ive really havent explore this part of Matlab and am interested to know if it is possible. I ask because currently I am doing it by hand and setting the left side S polynomial to be P1, P2, and P3 respectively.
but it is alot of algabra and I fear I will make a simple arithmetic mistake and ruin the whole thing.
Can this be done.

Best Answer

The transfer functions for your case in given in the first column of the matrix. You can use the functions in Symbolic Math toolbox to simplify the rational expressions. Hope my answer helps.