MATLAB: Is there a way to extract specific fields from a structure


I have a 1×1 structure with a large number of fields of which I'd like to extract some subset. I don't want to have to use
[myst.field1 myst.field2 myst.field3]...
Is there a way to shorten the code so I only have to type myst once and just extract the fields necessary? The structure name is nested within another structure so the code can get lengthy.

Best Answer

>> S.a = 'Hello';
>> S.b = 'World';
>> C = {'a','b'};
>> D = cellfun(@(f)getfield(S,f),C,'UniformOutput',false);
>> horzcat(D{:})
ans = HelloWorld
Take a look at fieldnames.
Note that if the fieldnames really are numbered like that then a much better solution would be to consider using a non-scalar array. A non-scalar structure is a much better way to store data, compared to numbered fieldnames. Using a non-scalar structure would avoid having to perform slow and complicated tricks like this, instead you could use the neat and fast methods shown in the link:
>> S(1).f = 'Hello';
>> S(2).f = 'World';
>> [S.f]
ans = HelloWorld
See how choosing the best data storage makes a huge difference to the quality of code!