MATLAB: Is there a way to extract a set of values from a structured array

MATLABstructured array values

I have defined a structured array, meas, which is indexed by number of occurrences of a phenomena. Thus, for example, I have: meas(n).ti = 65.32; meas(n).Rt = 200; meas(n).Vt = 10; etc., etc. I want to define a vector of, for example, the times of occurrences (the "ti" values). The pseudo-code would look like: 'TI = meas(1:end).ti' I obviously could do this in a loop: for n=1:nocc; TI(n) = meas(n).ti; end; (where nocc is the # of occurrences.) Is there a way to do this without using a loop?