MATLAB: Is there a way to check which licenses or trials are currently activated or not activated


I would like to check which licenses or trials are currently activated or not activated. How can I find out?

Best Answer

An Administrator, Asset Manager, or a Licensed End User with activation permissions can use the MathWorks License Center to check if a license or trial is currently activated or not activated. Please follow the instructions below:
1) Login to your MathWorks Account using the link below:
2) Once logged in, click on "My Account".
3) Click "Manage Licenses" or "Manage Trials, Prereleases, and Betas".
4) Click the License # or Trial # you want to check. For group licenses, click the parent license # and then the individual license #. If you do not see the license # you'd like to check, there may be more than one page worth of licenses, or you may not be associated to the license.
5) Click the "Activation and Installation" tab.
6) If you see a section with "Activation Labels" below, this will show how many computers are currently activated under the license or trial. If there's none listed, there are either no computers activated on the license or trial, or a computer may running a release older than R2008a. Prior to R2008a, activation was not required and will not show in the list of activations.