MATLAB: Is there a way to add another button to a mask in Simulink


I am looking for a way to add another button to a mask dialog. For example, I want a button that will plot a preview of some data that is dependent on settings in the mask. Is there a way to add a button and then customize the callback similar to a GUI in MATLAB?

Best Answer

The ability to add a button to a mask is not available in Simulink.
To work around this issue, a parameter can be added to the mask and a checkbox can be used to display the plot. The example below demonstrates how this can be done.
A dialog parameter of type 'checkbox' controls the creation of a plot. Double-clicking on the block in the model will open the mask dialog. Checking the checkbox will create a plot.
The following code was added to the OpenFcn callback for the block:
This ensures the checkbox is always set to 'off' when the block is opened preventing the plot from being created if it was checked from a previous opening of the mask dialog.