MATLAB: Is there a solution to use “circcirc” with continuous variable as radius

circcirccontinuous variableintersectiontrilateration

Hello, I am trying to implement trilateration algorithm and I am using "circcirc" command to find intersections of the circles.
My problem is: I need to find intersections of circles, which changes their radius every step but they have the same centers. Is it possible without re-writing the command or with another command?
This is my code:
radii1=[1; 3; 4];
radii2=[2.5; 3; 2.3];
radii3=[3; 1; 5];
[x_intersection1_2,y_intersection1_2] = circcirc(Center1(:,1),Center1(:,2),radii1,Center2(:,1),Center2(:,2),radii2);
[x_intersection1_3,y_intersection1_3] = circcirc(Center1(:,1),Center1(:,2),radii1,Center3(:,1),Center3(:,2),radii3);
[x_intersection2_3,y_intersection2_3] = circcirc(Center2(:,1),Center2(:,2),radii2,Center3(:,1),Center3(:,2),radii3);

Best Answer

Hi Miro,
You may want to use for or while loops. Please find description here. The exact code would vary depending on which radius you want to change at what time.