MATLAB: Is there a relay or/and contactor blocks within SimPowerSystems 5.0 (R2008b)

relaysimpowersystemsSimscape Electrical

A simple electromagnetic relay is an adaptation of an electromagnet. It consists of a coil of wire surrounding a soft iron core, an iron yoke, which provides a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, a moveable iron armature, and a set or sets of contacts. When an electric current is passed through the coil, the resulting magnetic field attracts the armature, and the consequent movement of the movable contact or contacts either makes or breaks a connection with a fixed contact. If the set of contacts was closed when the relay was de-energised, then the movement opens the contacts and breaks the connection, and vice versa if the contacts were open. When the current to the coil is switched off, the armature is returned by a force, approximately half as strong as the magnetic force, to its relaxed position. Relay or contactor is used for remote control of different circuits and voltage levels.

Best Answer

A built-in block that models an electromagnetic relay is not available in SimPowerSystems 5.0 (R2008b).
However, there is a demo model under the Simscape 3.0 (R2008b) product that could be used as a reference model for building a relay. This demo model can be launched by typing the following at the MATLAB command prompt: