MATLAB: Is there a publishing option to prevent figure windows from appearing when publishing the script in MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b)


I have a script that generates a lot figures. When I run the script, I want to see the figures on the screen. When I publish the script, I would like the publisher to capture the figures but I do not want the figures to pop up on my screen. Is there a publishing option to achieve this?

Best Answer

There is no publishing option to prevent figure windows from appearing while still capturing them in the report.
However, you can use the 'snapnow' function to force a particular figure to be included in your published document, then you can close the figure to prevent too many figures from cluttering your screen.
Alternatively, you can use 'dbstack' to determine whether your script is being called by the publisher, and optionally close the figure only when you are publishing a document. Examples of how this could be done are attached to this article.