MATLAB: Is there a possibility to use 3D sparse matrices on GPU

gpuMATLABmultidimensionsparse array

I am aware of program ndsparse written to implement 3d sparse matrices by Matt J for CPU. However i think it does not extend support to GPU.
Is there function which supports criterion of 3d sparse matrix on GPU and perform operations on it?(assume that i do not want to store my 2d gpuArray sparse matrices in cell-array or structures and then perform cellfun.)
The my 2d sparse matrix size is ~1000×1000 and i have about a ~1000 of them. I would like to create a 3d sparse matrix on GPU and use pagefun .
Thank you.

Best Answer

There is not. However, with sparse matrices, it would make more sense just to embed your 1000x1000 pages into larger 2D block diagonal sparse matrices. Then you just multiply/mldivide them in regular 2D fashion and let and the sparse linear algebra engine implicitly do the operations block by block.