MATLAB: Is there a mistake on the code which determines value that minimizes the function

codefminbndfunctionmatlab functionminimum

I have been creating a minimal code located at the code-box for minimize the function, but i'm not sure working of code is correctly. Is there any wrong?
clear all
slo=[0.01 0.012 0.013 0.012 0.008 0];
for i=1:1:numel(slo);
WL=@(velo) 0.5*0.25*1.2*2.65.*velo^2;
WT=@(velo) sum(WR)+WL(velo)+sum(WS)+WB;
fun = @(velo) WT(velo);
x1 = 50/3.6;
x2 = 90/3.6;
options = optimset('Display','iter');
velo = (fminbnd(fun,x1,x2,options))*3.6 %km/h

Best Answer

You could give a smaller tolerance in your options if you wanted to get a more accurate result.
Or you could just skip the fminbnd and use x1 as location where the minimum occurs.
Your function calculates a quadratic function with its minima at 0, so the bound closest to 0 is always going to be the point of the constrained minima.