MATLAB: Is there a memory leak in the MATLAB Web Server

figureleakMATLAB Web Servermemoryserverwebwebserverwindows

Is there a memory leak in the MATLAB Web Server?
Why is it that when I use the MATLAB Web Server, it appears to use more memory then necessary to run my application?
My Web Server program runs without errors. I do not make sure of global variables, however, the memory usage of MATLAB increases everytime my Web Server application is called. Why is this happening?

Best Answer

Note that there are no persistent memory leaks in the MATLAB Web Server product.
The memory usage behavior is related to the use of MATLAB figures in your application. When a figure is created, it consumes a certain amount of memory. Since a figure contains all the data that was generated from the Web Server application, it has a tendency to use lot of memory.
If your application creates a new plot every time it is called and the figures are not closed, MATLAB willl retain its current memory usage and also use more for the new figures.
It is recommend that you close the figure windows each time you are done running your application.