MATLAB: Is there a list of additional blocks which now work with the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Performance Tools 1.3.1 (R13SP1)

additionalblockscoveragedirectinterpolationlooklook-uplookupmodeln-dndperformancepreprelook-ups-functionsfcnsimulinkSimulink AcceleratorSimulink Performance Toolstabletoolsup

Is there a list of additional blocks which now work with the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Performance Tools 1.3.1 (R13SP1)?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
The table in the documentation for the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Performance Tools 1.3.1 (R13SP1) is not complete. Please enter the following command at the MATLAB command prompt in a MATLAB 6.5.1 (R13SP1) installation to reach the documentation page:
web([docroot '/toolbox/simulink/ug/performance_tools13.html'])
You can also reach this documentation at the following URL:
The additional blocks that should be included in the table are as follows:
1. ND Look-Up Table
2. ND Interpolation using Prelook-Up
3. ND Direct Look-Up Table
All of these blocks have Look-Up Table coverage reported with the Model Coverage Tool. The ND Look-Up Table supports coverage reporting in Simulink Performance Tools 1.3.1 (R13SP1), provided there are no more than 2 lookup dimensions.
In the special case of Look-Up Tables that are implemented as S-Functions, there is a bug in Simulink Performance Tools 1.3.1 (R13SP1) in an internal function that determines if Look-Up Table coverage is enabled. As a workaround, if you enable both Decision Coverage and Look-Up Table coverage for your model you will see the correct coverage results.